Purchase tickets here (Elisabeth Murdoch Hall, Melbourne Recital Centre)
The Golden Age of Spain was a flourishing period of artistic discovery where masterful composers created music that was spirited, distinctive and full of vigour. Refined in style, yet vibrant in rhythm, these pieces retained an unfailing melodic lyricism, rooted in rich cultures.
Renaissance experts La Compañia brings a dynamic instrumental lineup unearthing captivating music to unite the depth of emotions with Iberian musical mastery.
Danny Lucin cornetto, director
Brenton Spiteri tenor
Rosemary Hodgson viheula, guitar
Casey Fitzpatrick vihuela, baroque guitar
Glenn Bardwell sackbut
Trea Hindley sackbut
Victoria Watts viola da gamba
Reidun Turner viola da gamba
Denis Close cavaquinho, percussion
Christine Baker percussion